Joseph J. Scoleri III
Joseph J. Scoleri III has served as the Assistant Chief Counsel for the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control(ABC) Office of Legal Services (OLS) since joining the Department in June of 2016.

Joseph J. Scoleri III
Assistant Chief Counsel
Joseph’s primary duty is to serve as the first line supervisor for the attorneys and legal support team in OLS. OLS represents the Department at administrative hearings related to ABC’s licensing and enforcement activities. Joseph’s goal is to ensure that the Department has a strong and motivated legal team to help the Department consistently achieve successful results in its public service role.
Joseph brings a wealth of experience in criminal law to the ABC team, having served as a prosecutor and a defense attorney for nearly 20 years. In addition, from 2007 to 2012, Joseph worked in the provinces of Afghanistan providing training and worksite mentoring for Afghan police investigators, prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys. Though the environment was a bit more arduous than the California courtrooms he was accustomed to, serving with the U.S. State Department contracted program left Joseph with a renewed commitment to ensuring excellence in public service.
Joseph has a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Santa Clara and a juris doctorate degree from the University’s School of Law. Having an affinity for both horses and horsepower, when not on the job at ABC, Joseph enjoys spending free time working with his retired Thoroughbred racehorse and 1970’s Fords.