Grantee Handbook

Grantee handbook for the Alcohol Policing Partnership (APP) Program.

Printable Handbook

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This handbook is for law enforcement agencies that receive grant funds from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. It outlines the terms and conditions required of the Alcohol Policing Partnership (APP) Program.

Funded projects must administer their grants in accordance with these administrative and fiscal conditions. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the withholding or disallowance of grant reimbursement payments, the reduction or termination of the grant award, and/or the denial of future grant awards. All agencies must also comply with the terms and conditions of the standard State contract and the Request for Proposals.

Fiscal Provisions

Allowable Costs

Local agencies shall be reimbursed for direct costs expended in support of this project as indicated in this chapter.

Salary Reimbursement

  • Straight Time – Authorized personnel assigned to the project will be reimbursed for the actual time worked on the project at the actual salary paid to the employee by the local agency as long as that salary rate is the same as that paid to other employees in the same classification performing comparable duties. Personnel assigned to the project shall include a minimum of one sworn officer. Non-sworn personnel are excluded from reimbursement in this category.
  • Overtime – Authorized overtime shall be reimbursed using the same criteria as specified above. However, Non-sworn personnel can qualify for overtime reimbursement, while performing fiscal duties only.

Employee Benefit Reimbursement

  • Straight Time – Actual costs of employer contributions or expenses for social security, federal and state tax, employee life and health insurance plans, unemployment insurance, and/or pension plans are allowable budget items. Budgeted benefits cannot exceed those already established by the Applicant. However, benefit amount shall not exceed 30% of invoiced monthly salary (base rate) costs.
  • Overtime – State Disability Insurance (SDI), federal and state tax are allowable budget items. However, any other benefits will need to be at the approved departments policy.

Employee benefits are optional to include as part of the Budget.


Equipment purchases up to a total of $2,500 shall be reimbursed. Each item of equipment proposed for purchase must be specified, must include an estimated quantity, cost, and purchased within the first six months of the grant and no later than December 31. (See Resources section Approved Equipment)

Operating Expense

Operating expenses up to a total of $2,500 shall be reimbursed. Allowable operating expense shall be limited to Decoy Operations, Shoulder Tap Operations, and Narcotic Investigations. The monies used under this section shall be reimbursed for the actual running of the operation, such as “buy money”. Invoicing for a lump sum to be used throughout the grant year is not allowed. (See Unallowable Cost)

Travel and Registration Fees[1]

Travel expenses and Registration fees up to a total of $3,000 will be reimbursed. Travel costs are allowable for expenses relating to registration fees, transportation, lodging, and meals which is limited to expenses resulting from in-person attendance at the required APP Conference.

Travel expenses and Registration Fees incurred by local agency employees must be in accordance with the State of California travel policies and procedures.

  • Transportation Costs – Transportation costs are paid only for conference-related expenses. Airfare, taxi, rental car, etc. amounts are limited to actual cost as supported by receipt. Private vehicle mileage will be based on the current Federal Standard Mileage Reimbursement Rate.
  • Meal Costs – Reimbursable amounts for meals must be in accordance with the State of California travel policies and procedures and must include receipt.
  • Lodging Costs – Shall be reimbursable at the conference rate.
  • Registration Fees – A $375.00 conference registration fee will be charged for each attendee. Fee to be paid prior to conference date.
  • Attendees – Two sworn officers assigned to grant. Non-sworn staff may attend if only one sworn officer is attending, and space is permitted.

Unallowable Costs

All costs not mentioned above are the responsibility of the local agency and are not reimbursable. This includes administrative overhead/indirect costs, supplies, evidence purchases, etc. Examples of various excluded items but not limited to; weapons, window tinting, gasoline, decoy stipends, LEAD supplies, toll booth fees, Code-3 equipment, and court hours.

Budget Detail

  • Local agencies must submit a proposed budget for this project not to exceed $100,000 as indicated in this chapter. (See Sample Budget Detail)
  • The budget must detail the number of positions by classification, pay rate, and estimated hours to be assigned to the project and total personnel costs for the grant period. Compensatory Time Off (CTO) is not an allowable cost.
  • Employee benefits may be included for the grant period in an amount not to exceed thirty percent (30%) of invoiced monthly salary costs. Overtime benefits should only include federal, state and medicare taxes.
  • Each item of operating expenses and equipment must be specified and must include an estimated cost.

Claims for Reimbursement

Local agencies must submit invoices on a monthly basis due the 15th of each month, to receive payments from the State. The invoices shall be in the format as specified by the State. Months with zero operations resulting in a zero-dollar reimbursement, must submit an invoice for zero dollars. All invoices must be signed with an original signature (wet or electronic).


Applicant agencies shall maintain detailed records to substantiate the amounts claimed for reimbursement. These records (time sheets, payroll records, accounting reports, daily activity reports, receipts/invoices for all other expenses) must be maintained for a period of three years from the date of receipt of the final payment for the grant period and must be made available for review by the State upon request.

Local agencies shall refund to the State any amounts claimed for reimbursement and paid to local agencies disallowed by the State after audit of the records maintained by local agencies.

State Budget Act

Actual grant awards shall be contingent upon appropriation of funds for this project in the annual State Budget Act.


Grantees may use their own procurement procedures for acquiring allowable equipment.

Sample Budget Detail

Budget Category and Line-Item Detail Cost
A.1 Personnel Services - Straight Time
Officer I $2,600/mo. 100% $31,200 $31,200
A.2 Personnel Services - Overtime
Overtime Est. 105 hours @ $25.00 per hour $2,625
A.3 Personnel Services - Benefits
Benefits estimated at 30% x $31,200 $9,360
Overtime benefits (1.45% medicare) $38
Total Personnel Services $43,223
B. Operating Expenses (Maximum of $2,500)
Decoy Operations, Shoulder Tap Operations, and Narcotic Investigations "buy money." $2,500
Total Operating Expenses $2,500
C. Equipment (Maximum of $2,500) - Equipment receipts required
Computer and monitor $2,500
Total Equipment $2,500
D. Travel Expense/Registration Fees (Maximum of $3,000)
Registration fee for July APP Conference two (2) attendees at $325 each $650
Travel, per diem, and lodging for the July APP Conference $2,350
Total Travel Expense $3,000
Total Budget Detail, All Categories $51,223
WordPress Data Table

Note: This is a sample budget display only. Applicant agency is to specify the position classification titles used in their agency. Check dollar amount for accuracy and round all budget amounts to the nearest dollar, no cents.

Implementation and Control of Approved Projects

Notice of Approval

The following are the sequential steps the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control will take in processing grant awards:

  1. Applicant submits Request for Proposal (RFP) to ABC.
  2. ABC receives RFP.
  3. ABC pre-screens RFP for eligibility.
  4. Selection committee reads and scores RFP.
  5. Selection committee submits selection recommendations to the ABC Director.
  6. ABC Director makes final decision.
  7. ABC sends selection notification letter to all applicants, successful and unsuccessful.
  8. ABC sends approved Standard Agreement (STD. 213) to grant applicant for signature and return to ABC.
  9. ABC reviews and finalizes STD. 213 with signatures for completion.
  10. Fully executed STD. 213 is sent to applicant.

Effective Date

The contract will show an effective date. Claims for reimbursement may be made only for costs incurred during the grant year. No reimbursement will be provided for expenses incurred prior to start date or after end date of STD. 213.

Project Director Responsibility

The Project Director is responsible for establishing operating procedures and controls which will ensure the adequate administration of the project in accordance with the terms of the contract. Emphasis should be given to:

  1. Monitoring time frames stipulated in the STD. 213
  2. Maintaining costs within the approved amounts for each category
  3. Maintaining adequate records for validation of project progress and accountability for all funds expended on the project
  4. Submission of required Project Reports (See Project Reports)
  5. Conducting project evaluation

ABC Responsibility

ABC has the responsibility and authority to review and evaluate each project as deemed necessary. Such review and evaluation will be made to assist the grantee to understand and comply with the required procedures and to gain maximum benefits from the funds expended. Agencies should promptly notify their ABC APP Agent concerning any changes or problems that arise.

Liaison with Other Agencies

ABC encourages meetings between agencies having similar projects in operation for the purpose of coordinating related activities. ABC can assist in coordinating such meetings and provide any information required, when requested.

Revision of Projects

Any revision requires prior approval of ABC. Documentation pertaining to requested project revisions must be submitted in writing and received by ABC prior to the effective date of the requested changes.

Project revisions include any changes in the project agreement that may be necessary to ensure the satisfactory completion of the project. Revisions may include budget changes, project director, or authorizing official changes, and any changes to objectives, project activities, schedules, etc.

All requests for a project revision must be initiated in writing by the applicant agency sent through the chain of command to the APP Unit Supervising Agent. This request must include a detailed explanation and justification for the change(s).

Cancellation of Projects

The ABC Supervising Agent-In-Charge of the APP Unit has the responsibility of recommending to the Director of ABC, the cancellation of any project which is not being implemented in accordance with applicable State laws or terms of the contract.

Project Reports


Funded projects are required to participate in data collection and submit progress reports on a timely basis. The purpose of the progress report is to provide the grantee and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control with an evaluation of the project’s progress in achieving the objectives.


ABC requires all grantees to submit a Monthly Progress Report to the ABC Alcohol Policing Partnership (APP) Unit. The reports are due on the 15th of each month for the grantee’s previous month’s activities. Monthly Progress Report forms will be provided by ABC. The narrative portion will list the grantee’s goals and objectives and state specific progress made for each goal/objective to date.

The narrative portion should be an accurate and thorough statement of project activities and progress during the month. The following items should be discussed in this summary:

  1. What work was accomplished? Describe the various tasks that project personnel carried out towards their goals and objectives.
  2. How much was accomplished? Press releases, etc.
  3. Were there any problems encountered that affected the project progress? If so, what steps were taken to overcome these problems?
  4. Is the work ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or on schedule?
  5. How will any delay encountered affect the total project cost and time schedule?

Failure to submit Monthly Progress Reports on time can delay payment of claims for reimbursement.


A. List of APP Grant Operations

  1. Minor Decoy Operation
  2. Shoulder Tap Operation
  3. Annual Statewide Shoulder Tap Operation
  4. IMPACT Inspections (# of ABC Licensed Premises)
  5. IMPACT Operation (# of Operations)
  6. ROSTF Inspection (# of ABC Licensed Premises)
  7. ROSTF Operation (# of Operations)
  8. Trap Door Operation(s)
  9. Cops in Shops Operation(s)
  10. LEAD Training (Host/Provide)
  11. LEAD Training (Facilitate/Coordinate)
  12. LEAD Training (Notify)
  13. Press Release
  14. Social Media Release
  15. Public Service Announcement
  16. Disorderly Operation(s)
  17. Problematic ABC Premises Operation(s)
  18. Undercover Operation(s)
  19. Narcotics Operation(s)
  20. Drink Solicitation Operation(s)
  21. Plainclothes Operation(s)
  22. General Enforcement Operation(s)
  23. Multi-Agency Task Force Operation(s)
  24. Drunk Decoy Operation(s)
  25. Special Event Operation (Festival, Sporting Event, Concert, Fair)
  26. Saturation Patrol Operation(s)
  27. Party Patrol Operation(s)
  28. ABC Warrant Sweep Operation(s)
  29. Roll Call ABC Training(s) to Officers/Deputies
  30. Patrol Briefing(s) on ABC Laws
  31. Alcohol Awareness Presentation (School, Community…)
  32. Community Meeting/Outreach
  33. Other: Provide a brief description (subject to approval)

B. List of Approved Equipment Items

  1. Agency attire to perform grant work (subject to approval)
  2. Backpack
  3. Binocular(s)
  4. Bluetooth headphones
  5. Camera
  6. Digital scale
  7. Dry gas
  8. Flashlight
  9. ID Checking Guide
  10. ID Scanner
  11. Laptop/Tablet
  12. Listening & recording devices
  13. Magnifier
  14. PAS device
  15. Recording/transmitting services during grant year only
  16. Smart watches (Apple watch)
  17. Transmitter
  18. 2-way radio
  19. Concealed carry (holsters, handcuff case, magazine holder)
  20. Law enforcement outer carrier

Items not listed will need pre-approval.

Sample Resolution of the Governing Board

WHEREAS, THE (1) (applicant) desires to undertake a certain project designated as (2) (project title) to be funded in part from funds made available through the Alcohol Policing Partnership Program (APP) administered by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (hereafter referred to as ABC);

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the (3) (designated official by title only) of the (4) (County or City) is authorized to execute on behalf of (5) (Governing Board) the attached contract, including any extensions or amendments thereof and any subsequent contract with the State in relation thereto.

IT IS AGREED that any liability arising out of the performance of this contract, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. The State of California and ABC disclaim responsibility for any such liability.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by this body.

IT IS ALSO AGREED that this award is not subject to local hiring freezes.

I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the resolution adopted by the (6) (governing body) of (7) (unit of local government or organization) in a meeting thereof held on (8) (date) by the following:

Vote: (9)

Signature: (10)
Typed Name and Title: (11)
ATTEST: Signature: (12)
Typed Name and Title: (13)

Resolution Instructions

Note:The resolution must include all elements contained in the sample. ABC suggests that the project follow the format and language provided in the sample Resolution. This will assure that the processing of the grant award is not seriously delayed because the language of the Resolution does not meet ABC’s requirements.

  1. Enter the full name of the board or council making the resolution.
  2. Enter the title of the proposed project. This should be the same as the title of the proposed project on the Proposal Cover Sheet.
  3. Enter the full title of the administrator or executive who is authorized to submit the application.
  4. Enter the full title of the organization that will submit the application.
  5. Enter board or council, whichever is appropriate.
  6. Enter the same as item (1).
  7. Enter the same as item (5).
  8. Enter the date of the meeting in which the resolution was adopted.
  9. Enter the votes of the members in the appropriate category.
  10. Enter the signature of the person signing on behalf of the board or council.
  11. Enter the typed name and title of the person making the certification.
  12. Enter the signature of the person attesting that this is a true copy of the resolution. This must be a person other than the person who signed on behalf of the board or council (see item (10).
  13. Enter the typed name and title of the person attesting.


Additional information may be obtained by contacting:

Kristine Okino, Grant Coordinator
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2572
Fax: (916) 419-2599