Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the Alcohol Policing Partnership Program.

Can a small agency apply with 1 or 2 other small agencies?

Yes you can.

If an agency was awarded a grant in one year, are they eligible to apply for the following fiscal year?


When completing the Request for Proposal (RFP) forms, can I use past years documents?

No, use current forms. Past forms can have important requirements missing that are essential in a properly submitted RFP.

Do I need to submit time sheets along with the monthly invoices?

No, but documents must be kept with your records for any possible audits.

After our grant is approved, can we change any of our category amounts (while keeping the grant total amount the same)?

Yes. Personnel Services budget amount can be changed but Operating Expenses, Equipment, and Travel/Registration Fees can only be changed up to their maximum amounts. Maximum amounts could change pending the current fiscal year.

What is the procedure for requesting a change in a category amount?

The Project Director must submit a written request to the Grant Coordinator stating reasons and where you want the funds pulled from.  The Grant Coordinator will evaluate your Budget Reallocation Request and respond with an answerBudget Reallocation is done via email.

If an agency had budgeted for ‘ABC’ equipment item(s) but determine that ‘XYZ’ equipment item(s) would be more suitable, can a change be made?

Yes. The Project Director must submit a written request to the Grant Coordinator listing the item(s) description, dollar amount and reason. The Grant Coordinator will evaluate your Budget Modification Request and respond with an answer. Budget Modification is done via email.

We have three months remaining in our grant and we want to purchase a last minute item. Can this be done?

No.  Equipment must be purchased within the first six months of the grant.

If we forgot to claim an expense on an invoice for example November, can we include it in the following December invoice?

Yes.  Include in the respective category section with a brief explanation and the amount.  Also, include the same explanation on your invoice Cover Sheet.

One of the RFP Administrative staff (Chief/Sheriff, Project Director, or Fiscal Manager) has changed. What should I do?

Send a written request to the Grant Coordinator stating replacement’s contact information (name, address, desk phone number, cell number and email).  Send update information via email for file reference.

Is it mandatory that we submit a Resolution with the RFP?

A Resolution is not needed with the RFP but if you are chosen as a grantee recipient, a Resolution MUST be submitted with your final acceptance STD 213 contract.

Can we invoice for BUY MONEY before we have used the funds?

No. An agency must use their funds first then the amount is reimbursed as used.

We want to invoice for the full amount of our BUY MONEY, keep it at our agency and use when needed. Is this allowable?

No. BUY MONEY must be used then invoiced for reimbursement.

Our agency presently has a Mini-Grant with ABC. Can we apply for a full APP grant?


Can we bill for items such as; Weapons, Window Tinting, Gasoline for Vehicle Operations, Decoy Stipends, LEAD Supply expense, Internet Monthly Cost for electronic devices, Toll Booth Fees, Vehicle Code-3 Equipment, Court Hours?

No to all of the before mentioned items (please see Grantee Handbook).  Other restrictions may apply.  Please consult the Grant Coordinator.

Our agency’s grant amount was reduced from our original Request For Proposal (RFP) funding. Since our Goals & Objectives were based on the RFP amount, how can we change our Goals & Objectives to reflect our reduced funding?

Your assigned APP Agent will meet with your agency and discuss. Any changes will be submitted to management for review.

Are the grants federally funded?


How do I complete a Budget Modification or a Budget Reallocation? Is a form available?

A Budget Modification and a Budget Reallocation can be in an email format and emailed to the APP Coordinator—this will serve as documentation.  An approval/denial will be returned to you.

  • A Budget Modification must state what item is to be purchased and list specifics (cost, quantity, how it will benefit your agency) and if it is to replace any other equipment item.
  • A Budget Reallocation must state how much is to be reallocated indicating the categories funds are to be involved in change.

Alcohol Policing Partnership


Additional information may be obtained by contacting:

Kristine Okino, Grant Coordinator
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2572
Fax: (916) 419-2599