RADD® Brings ‘Swipe Right on a Safe Ride Home’ Campaign To 60+ College Campuses in California
“Make it a #RADDNight”
Go Safely – Dial Up A Safe Ride Home Before the Party
RADD® – The Entertainment Industry’s Voice For Road Safety, OTS and ABC Stress Safety around Colleges
Thanks to the Office of Traffic Safety and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, RADD® is now active on 60 college campuses in California, educating and encouraging students to make a safe plan before they head out because drinking and driving is not an option. RADD’s message “Swipe Right on a Safe Ride Home” will be displayed on posters, billboards at dozens of college campuses and on social media, encouraging students to “have fun, plan ahead” with an Uber or Lyft, designated driver, ride share or alternate form of transportation.
RADD® emphasizes “Use a DD or call ride share. Crash on a friend’s couch. Or get a room. Just don’t get on the road. Your lifestyle is your business — unless you take it on the road. Then It’s everybody’s business.”
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) 1,825 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries, including motor-vehicle crashes.
“We need to shine a spotlight on the importance of getting college age students to discuss how everyone will get home safely before they consider attending a party where alcohol is being consumed,” said Jacob Appelsmith, Director of the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC,)”Too many young lives are lost every year in tragedies that can be avoided.”
Contact: Karen Sundell Jennifer Kelleher
310/854-8167 310/854-8171
ksundell@rogersandcowan.com jkelleher@rogersandcowan.com
As college campuses continue to enroll a growing number of students over age 21, including an increasing number of military personnel, RADD visits campuses and creates immersive music experiences catered to college students that are designed to lead to behavior change and make getting a safe ride home second nature.
“By instilling the rideshare safety message ‘Swipe Right on a Safe Ride Home,’ students can make smart, informed decisions about how they get home.” RADD President Erin Meluso said. “Our goal is to help guide students home in the safest way possible.”
About RADD®
RADD®, Rockers Against Drunk Driving, is a non-profit organization funded by music fans who agree it’s just as important to get home safely and live to party another night as it is to enjoy a great show. Through strategic partnerships with local bars and restaurants, RADD® can provide free services, non-alcoholic drinks and/or food specials to guest who serve as a designated driver for their group. In return, RADD® staff and college peer educators promote the participating establishments to thousands of students and guests at local colleges, community events and through RADD® social media channels.
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