Event Authorization

Information about temporary event permits (license type 77).

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Who May Obtain an Event Permit (Type 77)

Only licensees holding an on-sale beer and wine (Type 41 or 42), on-sale general (Type 47, 48, 49, 57, or 90), on-sale general wine, food and art culture museum (Type 78), or designated special use (Type 88 or 99) license may apply for an event permit. Only licensees holding a beer manufacturer (Type 01 or 23) license may apply for a brewery event permit.

An event permit carries with it an annual fee and authorizes the licensee to apply for event authorizations. An event authorization is what permits the licensee to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on property adjacent to their licensed premises. Event authorizations are limited to no more than four total days each calendar year. Further information relative to event authorizations is located below.

How to Apply

Submit a completed Additional License/Permit Application (Form ABC-239) to your nearest ABC office. Each licensee may apply for only one event permit per licensed location. The annual fee for an event permit is located in Section 23320 of the Business and Professions Code. You may also contact your local ABC office for fee information and assistance with completing Form ABC-239.

If the investigations of your application for an event permit results in approval, you may expect issuance of the permit from ABC Headquarters in Sacramento.

Event Authorization

To use your event permit you must obtain authorization from ABC for each event. Submit a completed Event Authorization Application (Form ABC-215) to your nearest ABC office at least 3 days before the event, but no more than 30 days before the event. Applications that are submitted outside of this timeframe may not be processed. In addition to Form ABC-215, you must also submit a Supplemental Diagram (Form ABC-253) which clearly identifies where the event is being held.

The fee for an event authorization is separate from the annual event permit fee and is dependent on the estimated attendance size of the event. This fee is collected for each day of the event that alcohol is being sold. The fee schedule for event authorizations is as follows:

  • One hundred dollars ($100) when anticipated daily attendance is less than one thousand.
  • Three hundred twenty-five dollars ($325) when anticipated daily attendance is at least one thousand but less than five thousand.
  • One thousand dollars ($1,000) when anticipated daily attendance is five thousand or more.

When the same event is two or more consecutive days, submit a single Form ABC-215. For dates that are not consecutive, please submit a separate Form ABC-215 for each date. As stated above, please note there is a limit of four days per calendar year in which a licensee may utilize an event authorization. Payment for the event authorization must be included with your Form ABC-215.

Fees for single-day events are non-refundable. For consecutive day events, the fees for the first day are nonrefundable. Fees for subsequent days may be refunded if the event is canceled. To request a refund, you must submit a written request to the Department explaining why the fees should be refunded. ABC-215 INSTR (rev. 07/19)

Location of Events

  • An event authorization allows licensees with an event permit to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on property adjacent to the licensed premises. The property must be secured and controlled by the licensee and not visible to the general public. A brewery event authorization allows licensees with an event permit to sell alcoholic beverages, produced by the licensee pursuant to Section 23357, for consumption on property contiguous and adjacent to the licensed premises owned or under control of the licensee. The property must be secured and controlled by the licensee. An event authorization shall not be issued for use at the premises for more than 4 days in a calendar year.

Other Legal Requirements

At all approved events, you may exercise only those privileges authorized by your license. You must comply with all provisions of the ABC Act. Any violation may be grounds for the suspension or revocation of your license or permit, or both, as though the violation occurred on your licensed premises.


Sections 23320 and 23399 of the Business and Professions Code