Sep 18, 2019

ABC Cracks Down on Illegal Alcohol Sales

Reseda Complaint Leads to Enforcement at Problem Location

(Reseda – Los Angeles) – The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has shut down a Reseda location that was illegally selling alcoholic beverages without a license and causing a nuisance in the neighborhood.

ABC opened an investigation in July 2019 after receiving information from the Los Angeles Police Department – West Valley Station VICE unit regarding a residence in the 7000 block of Lindley Ave. The complaint alleged there were alcohol sales without a license, gambling and drunk activity at the residence.

From July 2019 to September 2019, ABC investigated and determined the residence was operating as an illicit bar selling beer, allowing gambling and permitting rampant drug use and sales inside the location. On multiple occasions, Agents from the Van Nuys, Ventura and Lakewood District Offices entered the location in an undercover capacity and purchased narcotics. They were also allowed to gamble and purchase and consume alcoholic beverages at the illicit operation.

On September 6, 2019, ABC Agents from the Van Nuys District Office, Ventura District Office, Bakersfield District Office, Cerritos Enforcement Office, Special Operations Unit, Alcohol Policing Partnership Unit, and Trade Enforcement Unit, along with Los Angeles Police Department officers, served a search warrant at the premises and located illegal narcotics and several cases of beer that were ready for sale at the premises. Citations were issued for sales of beer without an ABC license, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia. In addition, a variety of narcotics, including cannabis, methamphetamine and cocaine were seized at the location.

To learn more about ABC enforcement and prevention programs that can help increase public safety visit ABC’s website for information about enforcement program on its Enforcement page or prevention programs on its Prevention page.

ABC protects communities through education, prevention, and enforcement programs designed to increase compliance with California’s alcoholic beverage laws. ABC is a department of the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency.


Additional information may be obtained by contacting:

Public Information Office
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2525

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