New Catering Permit Available to Licensed Beer Manufacturers
Beer manufacturers are now eligible under a new state law to cater their beer at special events if they acquire a beer caterer’s permit and receive event authorizations from ABC.
Assembly Bill 2174 (Aguiar-Curry, Chapter 308, Statutes of 2024) established a beer catering permit (known as a “type 91 permit”) that may be issued by ABC to a licensed beer manufacturer. The permit authorizes the sale of beer produced by or for the beer manufacturer for consumption at conventions, sporting events, trade exhibits, picnics, social gatherings, community events, or similar events held any place in the state approved by ABC. For example, this includes, but is not limited to, private events like weddings, anniversaries, and birthdays, or public events occurring in a local community.
In order to exercise the privileges of the permit, the beer manufacturer needs to apply to ABC for a catering event authorization. If approved, the beer manufacturer may sell their beer within a specified area at the event. The privileges of the permit are exclusively on-sale, meaning alcohol cannot be removed from the licensed area of the event. The permit holder must also receive local law enforcement approval before ABC may issue an event authorization.
A beer catering permit is capped at receiving no more than 36 total event authorizations in a calendar year, and no more than two beer caterers may participate per day at a single event. At each event, a beer caterer is limited to selling no more than 124 gallons of beer. For compliance purposes, the beer caterer must maintain records of all beer sales conducted under their permit for a minimum of three years.
At all approved events, the beer catering permit holder will be restricted to only privileges authorized by their license and permit, and will be required to comply with all provisions of the ABC Act pertaining to the conduct of their license type. For example, the employee(s) staffing the event will be responsible for only serving adults at least 21 years of age, must have completed Responsible Beverage Service training, and obey other applicable laws that generally apply to their licensed premises. Violations at a catered event are grounds for discipline against the license and/or permit, including suspension or revocation, as if the violation occurred at their licensed premises.
For additional information regarding the beer manufacturer’s catering permit and catering event authorizations, you may refer to the ABC webpage specific to the type 91 permit.
Frequently Asked Questions
What license types with beer manufacturing privileges may apply for and receive a beer caterer’s permit?
Any beer manufacturer is eligible to receive a beer caterer’s permit, including a type 1 license (beer manufacturer), type 23 license (small beer manufacturer), or type 75 license (brewpub-restaurant).
What are the fees for a beer caterer’s permit and event authorizations?
There is an annual fee of $275 for a beer caterer’s permit, subject to annual CPI increases. Beer catering event authorization fees are as follows:
- $100 when anticipated attendance is less than 1,000 people
- $325 when anticipated attendance is 1,000-4,999 people
- $1,000 when anticipated attendance is 5,000 or more people
How is the type 91 beer caterer’s permit different than the type 58 caterer’s permit?
The type 58 caterer’s permit is available only to certain on-sale retail license types, while the type 91 is exclusively for licensed beer manufacturers. There are also different rules for each permit.
Are type 91 permit holders required to cater food at approved events?
No, food service is not a requirement of the permit.
Additional information may be obtained by contacting:
Public Information Office
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Phone: (916) 419-2525