Letter to Sheriffs and Police Chiefs

Request For Proposals letter sent to Sheriffs and Police Chiefs of California for the Alcohol Policing Partnership (APP) Program.

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January 31, 2025
Sheriffs and Police Chiefs of California
Joseph McCullough, Director

ABC Grants for Local Law Enforcement
Alcohol Policing Partnership (APP) Program

The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) will be offering grants to local law enforcement agencies, subject to funding appropriation for fiscal year 2025/2026, and invites your agency to submit a proposal.

Effective July 1, 2025, ABC will award grants of up to $100,000 to local law enforcement agencies. These grants will enable the selected agencies to expand their present efforts in addressing alcohol-related problems through a comprehensive ABC program that will encompass a wide range of strategies. Specific consideration will be given to those agencies that identify and emphasize a strong enforcement effort toward licensed establishments that operate in a disorderly manner, create an undue burden on law enforcement services, or contribute to quality-of-life problems for the surrounding community.

Agencies are limited to submitting one proposal per agency.

If your agency is selected, your sworn staff assigned to the project will have an assigned APP Agent and work closely with ABC Agents to receive training on ABC law, alcohol enforcement strategies, and community resources.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) package, which contains all the information and forms you will need to prepare and submit a proposal, will be posted on the department’s website on January 31, 2025, under Alcohol Policing Partnership page. Your completed RFP package must include one original copy.

The Department must receive all proposals by 5 p.m. on April 1, 2025. Proposals received after the due date and time will be ineligible for consideration.

A selection committee will review and evaluate all proposals that are submitted before the deadline with anticipation that selections will be made by June of 2025. Selections will be based upon the applicant’s responsiveness to the Request for Proposal and the ability to successfully implement a project based on the program and administrative requirements.

If you should have any questions regarding this Request for Proposal, please contact:

We look forward to receiving your proposal and to the possibility of working with your department to reduce alcohol-related problems in your community.


Joseph McCullough


Additional information may be obtained by contacting:

Kristine Okino, Grant Coordinator
3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Email: kristine.okino@abc.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 419-2572
Fax: (916) 419-2599